
March 27, 2017

Andrea is currently at #TeaP (Conference of Experimental Psychologists) and will talk about “attention shifts in augmented reality” today.

March 23, 2017

Sie interessieren sich für spannende Arbeiten im Bereich #BigData #Analytics? Siehe @KITinformatik @SDIL_DE @SDSC_BW

RT @softwarecampus1: #SoftwareCampus-Absolvent Matthias Berning ist mit dem #Startup peelytics / auf der #CeBIT17 #…

March 20, 2017

RT @KITinformatik: Taktile Wahrnemung eines Variometers für den Gleitschirmflug von @tecoKIT auf der #CeBIT17

RT @softwarecampus1: Baden-Württembergs Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann zu Besuch bei Prof. Beigl am Stand des @KITinformatik @tecoK…

March 13, 2017

Check out the newly published journal paper “Towards pervasive geospatial affect perception” co-authored by Anja:

February 16, 2017

We congratulate our master students Simon, Vincent and Anne for their successful application @softwarecampus1

February 14, 2017

Pee + Analytics = Peelytics. Ex-Teco Worker Matthias Berning analyses pee duration in order to improve your health

February 8, 2017

TECO will be contributing to the emerging Smart Cities under Big Data Value TF7-SG of @BDVA_PPP. Meet us on 10.02 in Brussels.

January 18, 2017

We have a new team member at TECO: Michael Hefenbrock has joined our group to pursue his PhD degree in the field of Data Analytics. Welcome!