Student Assistant / Hilfswissenschaftler (HiWi)
Spezielle Hiwi-Ausschreibung:
- !!!!!!!! WordPress Website Development and Maintenance !!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!! Admin am TECO !!!!!!!!!!
We are continuously welcoming students to collaborate in our research! If you are interested, please reach out to the contacts below. Please, DO NOT contact the secretary with general questions:
- Programming and general systems: Michael Beigl
- Data Science, Data Analysis, Machine Learning: Alexander Studt
- Smart Data Analytics: Yiran Huang, Alexander Studt
- Environment Sensing: Paul Tremper
- Tactile Interfaces und Sensory Augmentation: Likun Fang
- Wearable Computing: Michael Beigl
The following information about you will help us specifying your tasks and finding a good fit:
- Your motivation (short paragraph) for working at TECO
- Information about Bachelor/Master studies, semester, and discipline
- Transcript including the visited lectures that display your professional knowledge
- Programming experience
- Any other fields of interest